Black Anthropocene
Further Reading
A Billion Black Anthropocenes or None by Kathryn Yusoff [book, 2018]
“I want to challenge the racial blindness of the Anthropocene as a wilful blindness…”
“As the Anthropocene proclaims the language of species life – anthropo – through a universalist geologic commons, it neatly erases histories of racism that were incubated through the regulatory structure of geologic relations. The racial categorization of Blackness shares its natality with mining in the New World as does the material impetus for colonialism in the first instance.”
– Kathryn Yusoff

Yusoff initiates a transdisciplinary conversation between feminist black theory, geography, and the earth sciences, addressing the politics of the Anthropocene within the context of race, materiality, deep time, and the afterlives of geology.