To disappear, to vanish, especially in a sudden or mysterious manner, to be silently swallowed up.
To disappear, to vanish, especially in a sudden or mysterious manner, to be silently swallowed up. Origin of word unknown but may be associated with Latin ‘sanctus’, in how saints appear and disappear in visions, like ghosts or spirits.

A residual trace of a fleeting moment in time, image: Robb Mcrae
Questions & Provocations
How can we progress in a way that recognises and values what already exists?
Aoife Nolan
How can we build in a way that does not obliterate, but allows the essence of place to remain?
Aoife Nolan
What kind of worth does a ruin have? Why is it that ruin, as a verb in English, is negative?
Carl C.Z. Jonsson